YMCA of Barry County

Summer Camp Employment

Join Our Team

Are you a motivated, outgoing leader?

We need you to complete our team at YMCA Camp Algonquin! YMCA Camp Algonquin is located just outside Hastings, MI on beautiful Algonquin Lake. Owned and operated by the YMCA of Barry County, the 40 acre scenic landscape is the perfect place to work, play and grow this summer!

Employment Opportunities

Questions, please contact: Camp Director, Megan, at megan@ymcaofbarrycounty.org

Information for summer camp 2025 will be available November 1st.

Camp Senior Counselor

Must be 18+ years of age

This individual will be assigned to live in a cabin for the entirety of the summer and will be directly responsible for a group of up to 10 campers every week. Senior counselor’s responsibilities include but are not limited to reviewing and organizing their campers’ paperwork, cabin cleanup, mentorship, communicating concerns with kitchen and health center staff, working with the senior counselor of their opposite-gendered cabin to create “camp magic,” holding a minimum of one certification for a program area and creating a welcoming and adventurous environment that emphasizes the core values and adds to the culture of the camp.

Position Filled

Camp Health Service Coordinator

Must be 18+ years of age

This individual is responsible for the health and well-being of campers and staff throughout the summer. Review camper health forms and screen campers on arrival and departure and inform staff as needed. Communicate allergies with kitchen staff. Maintain health center inventory, keep first aid kits fully stocked, and log all treatments counselors perform. If needed, this position will also serve as leadership during overnight camp swim time.

Camp Rotating Staff

 Rotating staff will consist of 16 & 17 years old who have completed a minimum of their junior year of high school and/or completed our Counselor in Training Program. Rotating staff will have the opportunity to choose two out of four job responsibilities which include: assisting in the kitchen, covering cabins while
senior counselors are taking their time off, teaching programmed activities, and being a co-counselor. If needed, we are able to offer half-summer positions to allow young staff to attend band camps and sports tryouts.


Camp Program Coordinator

This individual is responsible for focusing on a variety of tasks, including, but not limited to camp photography, videography, social media posts, the camp store, and managing mail. This position is responsible for teaching and leading various specialized camp activities, including archery, arts & crafts, high ropes challenge course, climbing wall, boating, and lifeguarding. Additional responsibilities include but are not limited to overseeing the swimmer board, all watercraft, and swim times, driving the boats, keeping the waterfront, watercraft, and boathouse clean and organized, and covering the pontoon boat.


Under 18 Work Permits REQUIRED

Youth Employment Standards Act (YESA)

Public Act 90 of 1978, the Youth Employment Standards Act (YESA), as amended, defines a minor as someone who is less than 18 years of age, including but not limited to employees, volunteers, independent contractors and performing artists.

Minors under 18 years of age must obtain a work permit or a written agreement or contract entered into between the employer and the governing school district, public school academy, or nonpublic school before starting work. Work permits can be obtained from the state of Michigan school issuing officer (the chief administrator of a school district, intermediate school district, etc.) the minor attends or the school district where the minor will be employed. If the minor changes jobs, a new work permit is required for the new employer. A work permit may be revoked for poor academic performance. A work permit is required even if the minor is home/cyber/virtual/online schooled, does not attend school, or out-of-state resident.

Work permits are no longer available for bulk purchase from Michigan Center for Career & Technical Education; work permits are available for printing or download below. Note: the printing on colored paper has been repealed, work permits must be printed, front and back, to be valid.  

When both federal and state laws apply the more stringent standard must be observed.